(In) visibility of the Young of Middle Class Author of Crimes in the Municipality of Vitória / ES


Publication date: 02/06/2010

Summary: This thesis aims at expressing one’s restlessness before the recrudescence of violence in these current times, in which young people are in the focus. These youngsters, however, are socially represented by the poorer part of the young people’s group, thus, presupposing, those middle class youngsters are not involved in crimes. Arguing against this social representations, we propose through this piece of work to analyze the (in)visibility of the various kinds of violence practiced by middle class youngsters who live in the city of Vitória/ES, and for that, making use of a qualitative and quantitative exploratory-descriptive research. The methodology used was based on bibliographical and documentary data collected from the Justice and Public Safety institutions in Vitória/ES, as well as from local newspapers, not to mention some interviews with professionals from these places above mentioned, and a young person from a local middle class family, who was the author of criminalized violence. Data collected in the documents of the institutions previously mentioned showed some generalized deficiency about the data record on the authors of the criminalized violence. Such inadequacy added to an ideological protectionism toward middle class youngsters, partly because of the law, society and their families – which prevents them not only from having their names involved in criminal offenses but also from being punished by their crimes –, what in other words, favor them in this (in)visibility, in which, ultimately, serves the maintenance of the poverty criminalization and, consequently, the (re)affirmation of the criminal state.

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