Articulation among social actors in the 1980s: the constitution of the Participative Democratic Project in the municipality of Serra / ES
Type: MSc dissertation
Publication date: 27/08/2009
Summary: The present work searchs to understand as if it gave the joint enters the actors of the civil society in the city of Serra - Espírito Santo (ES) in the construction of the participativo democratic project in the years of 1980. By means of half-structuralized interviews and of the documentary research it was possible to mount a scene WHERE if it gave the construction of the participatory democratic project in the studied city. The occured socioeconomic changes had influenced directly in the change of the public scene in the city of Serra. A gigantic population increase occurred without basic social services were offered. Ally to this the conjuncture of military dictatorship and the disatisfactions front to the positions of the power local politician had been giving form the proliferation of organized movements. The decade of 1980 very portraies well the lacks which the population were submitted. The economic growth finished generating to its side the growth it impoverishment of the population. So that more democratic relations were assumed were necessary that different social actors if placed in fight for basic the social resources and for the construction of participatory relations in the public decisions. The results demonstrate that the form of participatory democracy, considered against-hegemonic, questioned the route adopted for the elect representatives pointing with respect to the popular participation in the subjects that say respect to them such as the popular participation in the participatory budgets, popular Advice, Fóruns developed in the city of Serra. The experiences lived deeply for these actors had given one strong popular base whom if they exactly differentiate of other realities for this characteristic. The influence of the left political parties was basic in the construction of the participatory democratic project in the city of Serra, augmenting the pressures in the city and demanding a series of urban benefits. The importance of the left political parties meets amongst as many things, for having given an aiming of which society if it reached to desire with the carried through fights. Its action intervened with the understanding of that she was necessary to modify the relations that the public power established with the population. The immediacy moved innumerable actions, but this scene was being modified from the performance of the political parties of left and of the popular movements when they had started to demand for the recognition of its rights and its right to have its rights. The form of historically existing domination ahead has of this a reinforcement of the movement for the democratization denying and standing out the forms of organization of the population and the expressions of its demands. These experiences had provided the birth of a new mentality: participatory, of conscience of social rights, reinforcement of the action of the inhabitants, of magnifying and consolidation of the citizenship, a space opened to the manifestations of different groups that expressed different conceptions regarding the democracy, of the alliances or not with the public power. Solidarity was an important element because the social actors if had recognized mutually as belonging the same social unit.