
Course offering:

2024/2 2024/1 2023/2 2023/1


Code Namesort descending Degree Hours
PGPS8835 Advanced Topics in Social Policy Doctoral degree 30
PGPS8835 Advanced Topics in Social Policy Master's degree 30
PGPS8837 Agrarian Question, Dependence and Gender Relations in Latin America Master's degree 60
PGPS8837 Agrarian Question, Dependence and Gender Relations in Latin America Doctoral degree 60
PGPS8823 Analysis and Evaluation of Policies and Social Programs Master's degree 60
PGPS8823 Analysis and Evaluation of Policies and Social Programs Doctoral degree 60
PGPS8823 Analysis and Evaluation of Policies and Social Programs Doctoral degree 60
PGPS8824 Brazilian Political and Social Thinking Doctoral degree 60
PGPS8824 Brazilian Political and Social Thinking Master's degree 60
PGPS8824 Brazilian Political and Social Thinking Doctoral degree 60


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Av. Fernando Ferrari, 514 - Goiabeiras, Vitória - ES | CEP 29075-910