Title: Doctor
Research groups: CNPq (Google Translator version)

Participation in projects:

Title Starting datesort ascending Deadline (months) Participation in the project
Understanding the lived experience of women first generation university of student support in Brazil, Finland and Scotland 09/01/2024 36 Coordinator *
The mental health and wellbeing of entrepreuners of Brazilian favelas in pandemic time 09/08/2020 24 Coordinator *
01/01/2019 24 Coordinator *
Early Child Development 02/01/2018 60 Coordinator *
Analyses about Brazilian Drug policu after UNGASS 2016 01/03/2017 36 Coordinator *


Participants in examination boards:

Title Name Defense datesort ascending Course
Untold Stories: Institutional Care of Newborns of Drug-Using Women GEDIANE LAURETT NEVES RANGEL 27/12/2018 MA in Social Policy
The intersectoriality as a technical and political strategy of the World Health Organization and the World Bank CASSIANE COMINOTI ABREU 27/11/2017 PhD in Social Policy
The war against: drug policy and penitentiary overcrowding in Colombia between 1998-2015 ELSA CAROLINA GIRALDO OREJUELA 30/10/2017 MA in Social Policy
Expenses of mental health policy and the direction of psychiatric reform. EDINEIA FIGUEIRA DOS ANJOS OLIVEIRA 26/06/2017 PhD in Social Policy
The Anti-Prohibitionist Movement: resistance discourses FABIOLA XAVIER LEAL 24/03/2017 PhD in Social Policy


Disciplines taught:

Academic termsort ascending Code Name Hours Course
2024/2 PGPS8826 Directed Reading 60 MA in Social Policy
2024/2 PGPS8826 Directed Reading 60 PhD in Social Policy
2023/2 PGPS8826 Directed Reading 60 MA in Social Policy
2023/2 PGPS8826 Directed Reading 60 PhD in Social Policy
2022/1 PGPS8802 Research Methodology 60 MA in Social Policy


Guided Students:

Name Title Defense datesort ascending Role Type
FABIOLA XAVIER LEAL The Anti-Prohibitionist Movement: resistance discourses 24/03/2017 Advisor * PhD thesis
SÍLVIA LOUZADA DUARTE The anti-asylum fight and the mental health policy in the voice of the militants of the Movement for Psychiatric Reform 24/05/2016 Advisor * MSc dissertation
CLAUDIO HENRIQUE MIRANDA HORST Discourses on homoparental families in the Brazilian National Congress 09/05/2016 Advisor * MSc dissertation
TALITA PRADA The Networking in the Intervention of the Social Workers of the Federal Institutes of Education, Science and Technology 22/06/2015 Advisor * MSc dissertation
GISLENE DO NASCIMENTO BRUNHOLI Walking through the thread of history: the Multiprofessional Residency in Health in the spaces of construction of the policy of training workers for the SUS 10/06/2013 Advisor * MSc dissertation


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